Saturday, 26 November 2011

Setting my Intention

It's always a good idea to set an intention, I think.

'If you don't know where you going, how will you know when you get there?' as someone (not me) said.
Or, more to the point 'If I say this in public in front of the whole interwebs, I will have to do it.'


I have decided enough is enough. My weight has increased gradually over the years. I have lost a bit a few times, but the general trend has always been inexorably upwards. Since meeting my husband in 2008 (he wasn't my husband then, obviously) I have become considerably fluffier and so has he. Too much chocolate and yummy dinners all round have contributed to both of us becoming rather all round ourselves. It doesn't help that I have ME/CFS, so don't get much exercise, not that exercise was my favourite activity when I was well either, to be fair. It's about time that we both lost some of the fluffiness and moved about a bit more. That's the plan.

The above is a reasonable picture of me - in that you can see a certain amount of chubbiness but it's not one of those pics you look at of yourself and recoil in horror. I can't bring myself to post one of those, sorry about that. Ah, vanity. Here's another, of myself and my husband, hereinafter referred to as the Prof, in April this year.

I plan to post here at least once a week with news of how I am doing, with the odd update on the Prof's progress too. I expect as I go along I will be reading various books and trying different ideas and I will share my experiences here.  I would like to reread Paul McKenna's book as I had some success with that a few years ago, also Intuitive Eating seems like a Good Thing, must find out more about that. Any other suggestions gratefully received!

First step: I have signed up to WeightWatchers online. I've weighed myself, measured all the appropriate parts and logged the astronomical numbers on the website. I am impressed with the website's tracking tools, though I expect this week will be mostly taken up working out how to use them. I have a daily and weekly points allowance and if I enter what I have eaten, the website works it all out for me, apparently.

Goal for this week: Track all food eaten and get to grips with the website. Also, hopefully lose a couple of pounds.

I am starting on Monday 28th November, in two days' time. Watch this space.

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